Sunday, May 08, 2005

happy mama's day!!


If there is something one cannot do without, it is mother. Father loves her, daughter imitates her, son ignores her, salesmen thrive on her, motorists hurry around her, teachers phone her, and the woman next door confides in her.

She can be sweeter than sugar, more sour than lemon, all smiles, and crying her heart out – all within any given two-minute period.

She likes sewing, detective stories, having her birthday remembered, church, a new dress, the cleaning woman, father’s praise, a little lipstick, flowers and plants, canasta, dinner out on Sunday, tea, and the newspaper boy.

She dislikes doing the dishes, father’s boss, having her birthday forgotten, the motorist behind her, spring-cleaning, Junior’s report card, rainy days, the neighbor’s dog, stairs, and the man who was supposed to cut the grass.

She can be found standing by, bending over, reaching for, kneeling under, and the stretching around, but barely sitting on.

She has the beauty of a spring, the patience of a saint, the appetite of a small bird, the memory of a large elephant.

She knows the lowest prices, everybody’s birthday, what you should be doing, and all your secret thoughts.

She is always straightening up after, reminding you to, and taking care of, but never asking for.

Yes, a mother is one thing that nobody can do without. And when you have harassed her, buffeted her about, tried her patience, and worn her out, and it seems that the end of the world is about to descend upon you, then you can win her back with four little words, “Mom, I LOVE YOU”.

-William Greenbaum

I read this “thing” from a book. One of my favorite “thing” to read on mother’s day. Can you relate to this short essay? Aren’t mothers great? I mean, we should all be thankful for without her, what would become of us? She stood there more than our friends would, and even if she gets mad at us when we do stupid things and she may say bad things at us or scream at us, she’s always there. Have you told her you love her? Have you thanked her already? Just give her a hug she will really appreciate it. Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas out there!!


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