Saturday, May 28, 2005

capping and bagding!

capping and bagding!
Originally uploaded by the_rabbi.
badges and caps!!
the 27th of may has arrived!!! yep. everyone was so excited for that day. and yes, we've got it!! all 119 in our classs received their caps and badges!! exciting!!

the boys were supposed to be in school by 8:00 am to help clean the church. we did our part. although we just went there to watch my class ruel do some "beee-yuuutiful" flower arrangement thing.. waaaaw!!!

the mass was scheduled to start at exactly 12:30 pm. and just as i expected, some of my classmates(and me) came in late. darn it.. it was soo frustrating!! to be late in one of the most awaited events of my college year! *sighs* but fortunately, thanks to me and my sneaking i was able to get inside the mass. well anyways, the priest gave us a good sermon.

the next part of the program was the capping/badge investiture and candle lighting. pretty exciting!! we did our graceful entrance to the church carrying with us, our lamps with candles. then the presentation of 92 candidates for capping and 27 for the badging. but before we lit our candles, there was this part of our ceremony with Ms. Florence Nightingale which was "portrayed" by one of our clinical instructor, Ms. Kimberley Bacus(with custome pa!!! which according to some of my classmates, "milkmaid" daw, and someone even asked me "what was that maid doing?".. WHO ARE YOU CALLING MAID??? that was our ever pretty CI!! watchout lang ka sa return demo! hehe

the speaker gave us one speech which really touched us!! (*touches myself*). "do you know,where your going to, i forgot the other lyrics.. something with that line. we now have a great responsibilities in our shoulder and how we love , our personality, our work, reflects what we are. hehehe

then the giving of some academic awards. congrats to Maricar Quiros, Michael Lois Cervantes, Mary Grace Medina for the awards.. especially to Graec who got the highest average and gave everyone a "mesmerizing" welcome address!! (*giggles*)

then the pictures!!!!!!!!! uhmm.. dont have a copy of the class picture yet. but wait for it.. hehehe

i got my badge!!!!! this time, "i" rock!!!!! yoohooo!!!! weeeeeeee!!!!!!

im so happy!! i thought i wouldnt make it.. well, goodluck to me.. hehehe

thank God!! and thanks to my family and friends, to you know who you are!, to my everyone!!! my sponsors?(*laughs*)

duty na ni ron... cge, IC nasad ni...

Thursday, May 26, 2005

starting a new life

ive got to start a new life. a life with what makes me happy. i dont care about other people.. i guess.
honestly, im a bit fucked p with the past few days.. the thoughts that wer driving me insane.. i had nothin that kept me going.. but now.... well... i hope we'll make it. i still have fears, but i know he'll be there..

i just felt like wanting to belong.. now.. i hope.. and i wish nothin bad would happen.. i just had enough of this stuff....


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

capping/badging investiture

Originally uploaded by the_rabbi.
ccmc-cn, in consortium with csc-st, would like to call the candidates for capping/badging invesiture.. blah-blah-blah

guys!!! guess what? all those injection stuff and the enema thing, everything high pitched voices we heard from our beloved CI's pays off. i mean, i passed!!!!! me and the rest of my classmates!!!!

well, here it is.... capping for the girls. (that white cap worn by female nurses), and badging(the circle thing, badge, pinned on the lieft side, near the name plate) for the boys..

we are all a bit excited for this, at long last, we can wear this all white uniform, go to different special assignments and do some experiments with the patients(NOT!) hehehe well anyways, we get to go on duty and be like real nurses.. i dont know if i should be excited about it, its really tiring.. *sighs* but at least its a good way to loose some weight! *giggles*

the capping/badging ceremony will be held in guadalupe church at exactly 1:00pm for the thanksgiving mass to be followed by the ceremony proper on the 27th of May, 2005..

unfortunately, i wont be celebrating it that much. maybe just have to treat my parents. and probably go to bohol. i dont know..

thank you guys for the support! more power!! lolz!!!


Tuesday, May 24, 2005

end this foolishness

i have to end this foolishness.. im sorry.. it took me a long time to say this, but i have to say it.

i dont want anything anymore!!! and yeah, call me whatever you want!.


Sunday, May 22, 2005


kris aquino!!!!




why is it that when good-looking people turn out to be homosexual, they consider it as sayang?
why sayang? are homosexuals supposed to be the people who doesnt look good? dont we have the right to be goodlooking homosexuals?!

or is it just because you have some hidden agenda with them.

besides, its not like all homosexuals are the same as you see in the salon or in some bars.


Saturday, May 21, 2005


what s good?
what is bad?
who gets to decide on what's good and what's not?

good can be bad, and bad can be good. isn't it confusing?

there are times when we want to do things to forget things, we shift our attention at something, but we never get "over" it. we just keep lying to ourselves.


ok, here's the thing. im so freaked out with a lot of things right now and im confused.


Friday, May 20, 2005

oh no.....

im in trouble. i dont know how to solve this thing going on right now. darn it.

i dont know. im not sure of things right now. i am so pissed with myself. ahak oi. im not what you think i am. i never was innocent. i am the meanest person i ever know. and i say a lot of bad things, i enjoy playing around with people's feelings. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. NOT.

ahak oist. im not supposed to be that good, and i dont deserve any of this. ataya ani life oi. galibog-libog ra ko sa akong self. im not ready.


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

shiny long black silky chuva hair

*laughs out loud*

wayuka gurl!
haba ng hair ko.. azzen
nagovil na si oka..

Sunday, May 15, 2005


i just finished reading "the alchemist" by paulo coelho. what a break! ahehehe

it was nice. great. life changing? i learned a lot of things from that book. life, we are in control of it. and fate is just a freaking lame excuse of things. denial ra man na ang fate oi. we are responsible for our actions and that to get something that we want to have, just set our goals and never loose hope. listen to our heart. we have to be strong for our personal legend and stuff chuva. ehehe and basta, daghan pa kaayo.. hehehehehe





i went to SM with my female friend. itago natin siya sa pangalang, girl. ahehehe we ate sandwiches, donuts, and sandwiches. we were supposed to watch the MTV summit, but we changed our minds. it was sooooo i dont know.. populated? ahehehe well anways, we just strolled sa mall. i saw this one cute wooden necklace. wala lng. hehehe

my shoulder blade(or ambot unsa ni, clavicle man ni sa among anatomy), was so like hot daw!! waw.. ahehehe

haba ng hair ko!! ahehehehe

*shows shoulder* ahehehehe

wala lang.. manabi lang ko!!

yehey!! invited ko muwatch buhat sila ug MTV sa iya uyab!! hmmmm... publicity? lolz


Sunday, May 08, 2005

happy mama's day!!


If there is something one cannot do without, it is mother. Father loves her, daughter imitates her, son ignores her, salesmen thrive on her, motorists hurry around her, teachers phone her, and the woman next door confides in her.

She can be sweeter than sugar, more sour than lemon, all smiles, and crying her heart out – all within any given two-minute period.

She likes sewing, detective stories, having her birthday remembered, church, a new dress, the cleaning woman, father’s praise, a little lipstick, flowers and plants, canasta, dinner out on Sunday, tea, and the newspaper boy.

She dislikes doing the dishes, father’s boss, having her birthday forgotten, the motorist behind her, spring-cleaning, Junior’s report card, rainy days, the neighbor’s dog, stairs, and the man who was supposed to cut the grass.

She can be found standing by, bending over, reaching for, kneeling under, and the stretching around, but barely sitting on.

She has the beauty of a spring, the patience of a saint, the appetite of a small bird, the memory of a large elephant.

She knows the lowest prices, everybody’s birthday, what you should be doing, and all your secret thoughts.

She is always straightening up after, reminding you to, and taking care of, but never asking for.

Yes, a mother is one thing that nobody can do without. And when you have harassed her, buffeted her about, tried her patience, and worn her out, and it seems that the end of the world is about to descend upon you, then you can win her back with four little words, “Mom, I LOVE YOU”.

-William Greenbaum

I read this “thing” from a book. One of my favorite “thing” to read on mother’s day. Can you relate to this short essay? Aren’t mothers great? I mean, we should all be thankful for without her, what would become of us? She stood there more than our friends would, and even if she gets mad at us when we do stupid things and she may say bad things at us or scream at us, she’s always there. Have you told her you love her? Have you thanked her already? Just give her a hug she will really appreciate it. Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas out there!!

Saturday, May 07, 2005

a song.

learn to be loney.(from the phantom of the opera)

Child of the wilderness
Born into emptiness
Learn to be lonely
Learn to find your way in darkness

Who will be there for you
Comfort and care for you
Learn to be lonely
Learn to be your one companion

Never dreamed, out in the world
There are arms to hold you
You've always known
Your heart was on it's own

So laugh in your loneliness
Child of the wilderness
Learn to be lonely
Learn how to love
Life that is lived alone

Learn to be lonely
Life can be lived
Life can be loved

Friday, May 06, 2005


i just wish you are here with me. right beside me. we'd be holding each others hand and laugh our fears away. then i'd look at you in the eye, then i'll tell you how much you mean to me.
you trust me. my words. you have the "confidence" on what i feel for you. you never asked me to prove anything to you. i dont know. i am sorry. i guess i found some kind of freedom in you. you are miles away rfom me. i dont know. im a bit confused. scared? *sighs* i love you...

i dont know what else to say. hehehehehehe



Wednesday, May 04, 2005

(i dont know what to put here)


today, its the second day that i cant send a message nor call. neither can receive any msgs. haaay.. my phone was soooo silent.. well anyways, i've been busy with study (kunuhay). hehehe and my lola was admitted in the hospital.. everyone's getting admitted, a week or two ago, my uncle(mom's brother), and now, my lola(dad's mom). well, its a bit okay since i think she's getting better. theyd be discharged from the hospital soon!! :D and im going to be stayin at home. alone. and enjoy tv!! internet? maybe.

im hibernating!! when i go out, i hope its mating season!! well, it is always a mating season for me!! hahahaha joke!

the past few days has been silent for me..


kapoya na life oi. life! oh life!! kapoy man ka oi..

Sunday, May 01, 2005


these wounds in my heart will always be there. it will always be fresh. it still does hurts. but who gives a damn? i dont care. i dont want these wounds to heal, you left me with an open wound, and this will not heal. yeah, im a sadist, so? i dont care. there will always be an empty space in my heart. there will always be something here that would remind me of what i have been to..
when i'll move on, il'll try not to look back. come after me if thats what you want. but i dont know. so what if i'd become the worst person you'll ever know? i dont think i'm going to end up like someone i knew. i hope.

yeah, i have a new person in mylife. although its kinda different, its kinda difficult, trust is all we need. i hope. thank you...

i am so sorry to everyone..